
1,000 Bible Study Outlines: Study Helps and Sermon Outlines is unavailable, but you can change that!

A valuable source of 1,000 Bible study outlines on various topics and doctrines for preachers and Bible teachers. About the Author Frederick Edward Marsh (1858-1931) was a great man of God, avid student of the Word of God, and a prolific author. His keen insight into the deeper truths of the Word of God has been recorded in his many books. Marsh was a member of the Advent Testimony Movement...

The best way to prove the truth of the Bible is to study it. As the Living Word Himself proves His Deity, so the Written Word itself evidences its Divinity. Theories about Inspiration provoke controversy, but the fact of Inspiration commands attention. As life in its essence cannot be explained, so inspiration in its heart is beyond human ken. The living man proves the fact of life. The Living Book proclaims the Living Author. Men’s books are bushes without the burning flame; the Word
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